== Experimental Emacs ==
Corwin's Emacs Blog

Emacs 29.2 Windows Binaries

Emacs 29.2 Windows Binaries

Emacs 29.2 binaries for Windows (x64) are available from the GNU FTP Mirror system:



Emacs Devel: Design and Architecture

This is a collection of links pulled together from some interesting discussions on Devel related to making Emacs more multi-threaded.


The Turtle and the Snail

People are always talking about how fast they work, either because Emacs or because Not Emacs. That reminds me of this joke…


Emacs 29.3 and CVE-2024-30205

Emacs 29.3 and CVE-2024-30205 A new release of Emacs, 29.3, came out Monday. Windows binaries are available as of yesterday evening. This release responds to CVE-2024-30205, which seems rather serious; Emacs users should update if possible. There tends to be an air of mystery when it comes to security related software defects. Sharing information about recently discovered/fixed vulnerabilities is a balancing act for development teams who want, simultaneously, to inform users but also guard against coaching would-be attackers in crafting exploitation recipes while users are still becoming aware of the problem. --more--

My build command for Emacs 29 Snapshots

Emacs 29 Build Command TBH, I've been building emacs "manually" for months. I have scripts for this, of course. Naturally, they are broken. It turns out not to be all that hard to get me to bail out from fixing (even) my own scripts, and revert to building Emacs by hand. Here's what I ran this evening, to make a new snapshot from the emacs-29 branch: (export BIF=/d/emacs-build/install \ SLUG=29-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD); \ (. --more--

Packaging Emacs for Windows

GNU provides binary releases of Emacs. This post describes how to follow the process used to make such releases for Windows.


Emacs Sandwiches

Describing FOSS engineering practices in the form of a resume sample.

Emacs Sandwiches

So far we've been building dungeon purely in Emacs lisp. Dungeon-masters will be able to use org babel blocks to implement custom game play "automation", but all the code we've been thinking about as "comes with" (including automations for the sample game) have been in Emacs Lisp. After messing about with NodeJS and ComicChat for a bit, I'm starting to have more thoughts about how to get dungeon-mode to a reasonably play-testable state. --more--

Generating README.json

I'm using the README.org as a "container" to structure simple projects as literate programms. The programs for each project are contained in and built by (tangled from) the file that documents them. Meanwhile, I provide documentation in other formats such as Markdown, generated using org-export. People sometimes offer edits to those generated files. Naturally, this leads me to try exporting README.org as JSON. Thanks to ox-json (and Jared Lumpe), it's easy! --more--

Using README.org

The last few months have been rough. Today I "finished up" one of a set of small "feel good" projects I have been doing to learn things and, you, know, feel better. Much quick project: org-git-hooks. #more While admittedly tiny, it's nice to consolidate some code that I'd duplicated and fun, in that the 400 line ~README.org file contains all of the code, documentation, "build" configuration, and licensing. --more--
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